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Writing an internship report for a part-time student
At the end of the industrial and pre-diploma practice, a part-time student, just like a full-time student, is obliged to submit a practice report to his university. In addition to the report itself, it will be necessary to attach a diary of the internship, a review of the head of the practice. When compiling a review, a student from essay writing service can write it himself, and then simply bring it to his head of practice for signature, most often there are no problems with this. If the student has proven himself well in the enterprise and the manager was satisfied with his work, then after signing the review, the student will calmly take him to his university.
In addition to the recall of the head of the practice, the necessary documentation includes a report. It is carried out both during the production and pre-diploma practice. The report must contain the research that was conducted by the student during the internship. In addition, if we talk about the practical activities carried out, then the main goal of the report will be to prove the work carried out by the student at the enterprise. In his work, the student must describe the problem that arises in his enterprise, as well as offer his own vision of solving these problems. The very essence of the student's internship is proof that he himself is able to set certain production tasks for himself and himself to look for ways to solve these problems. An important point in compiling a practice report is its structure. The report should consist of several parts. The first part of the report contains a description of the internal structure of the enterprise, a detailed description of its activities and principles of its work. The second part of the report, which is the main focus, should contain a description of the practical research conducted by the student. What follows is the final part of the report. Here, the student draws a conclusion on all his work as a basis, a variety of documentation from the enterprise, reporting, resolutions and legal acts, the charter of the organization, and so on, can serve as an appendix to the practice report. should contain a description of the practical research conducted by the student. What follows is the final part of the report.
Here the student draws a conclusion on all his work as a basis, a variety of documentation from the enterprise, reporting, resolutions and legal acts, the charter of the organization, and so on, can serve as an appendix to the practice report. should contain a description of the practical research conducted by the student. What follows is the final part of the report. Here, the student draws a conclusion on all his work as a basis, a variety of documentation from the enterprise, reporting, resolutions and legal acts, the charter of the organization, and so on, can serve as an appendix to the practice report.
From all of the above, we can conclude that the practice of a part-time student is not much different from the practice of a full-time student, but there are still certain subtleties and nuances.