coderGirls are seeking partners that share our mission to expand and strengthen STEM education in our schools. We are particularly interested in those revolutionizing STEM education within underserved communities, and with those demographics that are traditionally underrepresented in technology.
Q: Are there specific qualifications for partners?
The qualifications we look for is the shared belief in the importance of coding and computer science education.
Q: What is expected of coderGirls partners?
We ask that our partners help us by encouraging participation.
Our partners are diverse in their mission and work. Therefore, partner support for the coderGirls will vary. Here are a few ways that organizations are supporting as partners:
Spreading the word about coderGirls using your social media networks.
Helping us reach students from demographic groups that are traditionally underrepresented in the tech community.
Informing parents, students, or teachers about coderGirls.
Providing curricula, workshops, or support to interested participants.
Q: What can be expected of coderGirls as a partner?
As a partner, you can expect:
Your logo will be posted on our website to recognize your organization as a supporter of STEM education.
We will announce the partnership on social media.
When we have information that needs to be shared, we’ll provide you with the content.
Q: How will the coderGirls support us as a partner?
A: As the our partners vary significantly, we are happy to support you as we can. This can include: ​
If relevant, by giving your students an additional opportunity for recognition
Sharing content from your organization on our blog
Sharing information about your work or events via social media or our website
Q: Can my organization select specific content for promotion by coderGirls on social media?
A: Yes, please let us know with a week’s notice, and we’ll be happy to share the information.
Q: How will coderGirls announce the partnership once finalized?
A: We will announce the partnerships on our social media platforms and on our website.
How do I sign up to be a partner?
Please start by filling out this sign-up form.
After we receive notice that you’ve signed up, we will e-mail you with more details.